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Imagem da oferta eBook Anne of Green Gables (English Edition) - L. M. Montgomery
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eBook Anne of Green Gables (English Edition) - L. M. Montgomery

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Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery (published as L. M. Montgomery). Written for all ages, it has been considered a classic children's novel since the mid-twentieth century. Set in the late 19th century, the novel recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl, who is mistakenly sent to two middle-aged siblings; Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, originally intending to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way through life with the Cuthberts, in school, and within the town. Wikipedia.

This book includes:
Literary speeches, mastercrafted by Lucy Maud Montgomery.
Historical fiction of Canada´s context.
Many adventures of the principal character, Anne Shirley.
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Oferta publicada por Lara em 05/12/2020.

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